Anxiety touches everyone. With over 18% of the population suffering in some form or another, this normal struggle is nothing to be ashamed of. Fortunately, research into methods for helping people overcome anxiety continues to show that it is treatable. Through counselling, many of our clients encounter freedom and joy as they do the work of discovering new ways of relating to the challenges of life.
Unofficially referred to as the "Common Cold of Mental Health", depression comes in a variety of forms and affects up to 13% of the population regardless of one's age, gender, ethnicity, etc. Often showing up during our lowest moments, depression can sap the life and joy out of every day life, leaving us immobilized or even suicidal. But there is hope, and many of our clients learn to manage, or even overcome their depression.
Relationships / Couples
Relationships of any kind are hard and, unfortunately, life doesn't come with an instruction manual on how to navigate the challenges we encounter in our communal, work and intimate relationships. We understand what it's like to struggle in relationship and help many couples work through the sometimes-difficult process of healing.
Trauma / Abuse / Violence
In the same way that abuse can mean everything from physical violence to neglect and even spiritual abuse, traumatic experiences come from a variety of sources and are almost always difficult to work through. If you find yourself struggling with intrusive reminders of your traumatic experience, feel ashamed, have troubles sleeping or in relationships because of past traumas, we can help.